Bob D’s Interactive The Optimum Digital Exposure
Where: BIOCOMM 2019 – Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California
When: Thursday, June 20, 2019 – 9:00 – 10:15 am
The Optimum Digital Exposure
In this talk, Bob, will discuss the importance of the digital exposure. He will explain what is the “optimum exposure”, its benefits and how to obtain it. Since the inception of digital photography, there have been many theories on how to properly expose for the digital image: “Expose to the Right”, use the camera’s blinkies, adjust +/- EV, etc. Bob will discuss all of these and explain the difference between the camera, the proper, and the optimum exposures. For too long we have been accepting the “digital look” of our images when, in reality, this “look” is the result of a less-than-optimum exposure during image capture. Obtaining the optimum digital exposure will produce less noise, increased sharpness and less processing artifacts.