Purchase the Book: Processing the Digital Image
PDF File Download
PDF $9.99
(Book only)PDF w/Training $99.99
(includes Online Training with Bob)... see below
In this book, Bob will discuss processing the digital image.
The “how to’s” in this book are not software specific.
He will introduce the PhotoCycleTM and explain the 4-Phases of Processing the digital image.
This book will raise your awareness of tonal relationships and how to correct those areas.
… this book will affect the way you process and present your photography.”
- Thisbook has a companion website, processingthedigitalimage.com.
- The PDF version has dynamic links to supportive information
Online Training with Bob Consists of…
- Up to 99 minutes of Personal 1-on-1 Online Training
- Schedule Interactive Computer to Computer collaboration
- Answering your personal Digital Processing questions*
- Review the any other aspect of the Digital Photo Workflow
You can purchase this training at any time:
If you purchased the book (in any form) without training, you can decide later to schedule Online Training with Bob.
*I recommended you read the book; write your questions; then schedule your time with Bob. [Click Here]