Bob D’s Interactive Processing the Digital Image
Where: BIOCOMM 2019 – Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California
When: Wednesday, June 19, 2019 – 2:35 – 3:50 pm
Processing the Digital Image II
Digital processing software has advanced to be incredibly powerful, and often, training is focused on how to use a specific program.
In this workshop, Bob, author of “Processing the Digital Image“, will discuss how to optimize digital processing —regardless of which software you use. He will walk through a step-by-step PhotoCycle™ – from capturing the image to expressing your photographic vision. By sequencing the processing steps in a logical order, this workflow can help photographers master processing their digital images and keep focused on the ultimate goal of effective visual communication. Although Bob will be using Adobe’s Lightroom and Photoshop, this workshop is not software specific. Bring your laptop and follow along.
…The PhotoCycleTM workflow is not software specific and will apply as software continue to evolve.
Classes is based on Bob’s book, Processing the Digital Image – the 4-Phases (coming out Summer of 2019).